Dragonsports USA, Inc. is always looking for active and qualified club members to join its Board of Directors. Board membership is restricted to Dragonsports members only.
Duties of a DragonSports board member include attending at least one meeting per month to take care of routine business, to plan activities and to develop policies. Each DragonSports board member also has specific responsibilities , such as:
Chair a working committee related to our club services and development, which are:
- Operations
- Gear and Logo items
- Equipment maintenance
- Membership services
- Communications/Website
- Race planning & coordination
- Policy development
- Historian
Opportunity to accept an officer position, which includes:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
If you are interested in being considered for a board position, willing to accept the obligations of board membership, and willing to "promote fitness and friendship through paddle sports," then we need you! Please complete the application form below.